Naming Convention

WIP rendering a component

The button component can be included within other components like this:

This template for this component looks like this:

{%- if button.element == 'button' %}
  <button class="lbh-button{{ }}" type="{{ button.type }}" {%- if button.disabled == true %}disabled aria-disabled="true"{%- endif %}>
    {{ button.text }}

{%- elseif button.element == 'anchor' %}
  <a href="{{ }}" role="{{ button.role }}" class="lbh-button{{ }}{%- if button.disabled == true %} lbh-button--disabled{%- endif %}">
    {{ button.text }}
    <svg class="lbh-icon--arrow" height="20" width="16" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M16 10.417h-6L0 .917h6z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M0 19.917h6l10-9.5h-6z" fill="#96ccae"/></g></svg>

{%- elseif button.element == 'input' %}
  <input value="{{ button.value }}" class="lbh-button" type="{{ button.type }}" {%- if button.disabled == true %}disabled aria-disabled="true"{%- endif %}>
{%- endif %}

and it therefore expects a set of data to render it that is in the following format:

    "button": {
        "element": "button",
        "text": "Save and continue",
        "type": "submit",
        "disabled": null